hello and welcome...

Hello and welcome to my blog, where I love to share a little of my life with you...I am so lucky to be a textile artist and maker...inspired by the beautiful countryside around me and by all sorts of things in my life....if you fancy a creative WORKSHOP take a look here or taking a peep at what's in my ETSY shop click here...thank you for paying me a visit today!

Wednesday 29 February 2012

day 3...and more reasons to be cheerful

...even on a grey day this corner of the lounge is lit up with sunshine...the irresistible cheerful colour of the daffodils...brought with love and friendship...spills out into the room and lifts the mood of anyone entering..and there's that particular freshness of the smell of daffodils...like nothing else... you just feel that spring IS coming


and on the wall in pride of place... a simple beautiful basket...made by my very talented husband of patience...he has a new love in his life...willow...smitten after a weekend course taught by the amazing Phil...and now loving nothing better than heading to his toolshed with a bundle of damp willow, a set of special tools and Radio 4...

and in amongst a pot of tiny daffodils grown tall on the window cill...thanks Lorri!...a stray hyacinth with exquisite crisp white petals and a heavenly aroma...and such green leaves marrying with the green of a tree...so lovely to see sharp bright green after a winter of browns and greys


and don't you just love these two delightful handmade cards...thank you my dear friends Helen and Jaqueline...what is it about buttons that is soo attractive?...they are so delicious and small and tactile and simple and versatile... best kept in good numbers for company so they don't get lonesome...in clear glass jars or funny old button boxes....to be looked at and gloated over ...and spilled out for tactile counting and delightful fingering and choosing...and sometimes they even get used to add that 'certain something' to a making or stitching project...makes your fingers itch just thinking about them...and wish to get creative...

...a treasure of a corner full of love and nature and handmade and creativity and hope...hope you like it too...xx

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