
Saturday 24 December 2011

wishing you all a very Happy Christmas

and a perfectly peaceful New Year....

just busy tidying the house(!!!) and rustling up a couple of pressies with some last minute making...and then(hopefully!) a tranquil Christmas Eve afternoon listening to the carols from Kings College, Cambridge to get us in the mood, as the light fades and we switch on the Christmas lights...... my Mum always got all four of us children somehow to sit down and listen and so now it still starts my Christmas... with the first few notes of the lone chorister singing 'Once In Royal David's City'.... nostalgic and emotional and very very beautiful. Peace, light and love to you all this Christmas time...

Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas is coming...

tranquil after snow...

we light another candle in the darkness...

and no, we're NOT Christmas dinner...
we're the orchard grass cutters beloved by all...

just let go and go with the flow... I am lounging by the stove today watching old videos (yes videos!) ignoring everything and getting better from a cold... it's a freezing but bright and sunny day and we have new chickens to introduce...brought home last night in the dark...but of that more anon...a comfy chair, a welcome warm stove and some light knitting awaits me ...have a peaceful last advent Sunday...

Monday 12 December 2011

it'sMonday morning and I'm loving...

that hooray!!! we have internet connection and a working landline again after 3 days...sorry if you've tried to ring...we weren't ignoring you! actually it was weird without it..but so peaceful and you have loads of time for other things...

that daughter mine has enjoyed her birthday and her party ...and now she's fourteen and feisty... and we can move into Christmas mode...

that Grandma and Grandad made it here safely on the train on Thursday despite the awesome windy weather... I was glad of the extra weight (heavy suitcases full of all those birthday presents...) in the car on my way home from work after I picked them up at the station!

that we've all shared a lovely birthday weekend together....

that I put lots of dried fruit in  bowl last week and sloshed quantities of sherry over it( someone has drunk the brandy...) and one day soon it will magically transform itself into a cake, ready to ice somewhere around Christmas Day...

that I have actually MADE a lot of my Christmas presents...been knitting and sewing quite gently...trying not to panic...and I might even be some small way

that we had a fantastic Christmassy Open Studio evening party at Phil's with's a taste...sorry we ate all the mince pies...

that we had an email this week from the rehoming Hens lady...and we're off on Saturday to get some more battery rescue hens which would otherwise simply be surplus to requirement which really doesn't bear thinking about ...if YOU think you would like to help too then read the message below...the best Christmas Present you could give a battery hen...

that it's not snowing or blowing a gale out there, cold and clear, the stove is lit and I'm off to the gorgeously warm studio (air source heat pump and underfloor heating soo worth all the chaos and confusion earlier in the year)... to do a little light stitching and making....and playing with fabrics... bliss!

that my studio is nice and tidy...cos Steph was in on Saturday with a wonderful workshop with lovely people and I HAD to make it tidy for her!! there are lots of advantages to 'Making in The Studio' being in MY studio...

that we are going to get some Christmas lights and decorations up tonight to start getting in the where did we put the living Christmas tree...somewhere out in the garden...or veggie patch...orchard...or...hope the donkeys haven't eaten it!

and it's sooo verry nearly the holidays...huzzah!

Have a lovely Monday....

Hen Rescue... CAN YOU HELP to re-home some?

As you may be aware - the regulations for caged hens are changing in January 2012.  All battery hens who are currently sitting in barren cages will be send to slaughter - with the new enriched cage system coming in the new year.

We  have  hens available on SATURDAY 17th DECEMBER - to be collected from STOCKSFIELD   NE433 7SB
All desperately wanting a new home for new year.  If you feel you have room to offer some lucky hens a happy retirement, please give the re-homing team a call on 01769 580310  Mon to Fri 9am - 4.30pm, or respond to this email.
Please be aware though, you would need to keep any new hens separate from your existing hens for the first week or so - ideally so they can see each other, but not actually get at one another.  We will be happy to offer any merging advice you may need.

Many thanks


Wendy Reynolds
Tel: 01769 580310 / E: /
British Hen Welfare Trust, North Parks, Chulmleigh, Devon EX18 7EJ
The British Hen Welfare Trust is a national charity that re-homes commercial laying hens, educates the public about how they can make a difference to hen welfare, and encourages support for the British egg industry. Its ultimate aim is to see consumers and food manufacturers buying only UK produced free-range eggs, resulting in a strong British egg industry where all commercial laying hens enjoy a good quality life.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

it's obvious really...

that if you go to the Knitting and Stitching Show you will be bound to come home several £££s lighter, with sore feet and aching arms and eyes like saucers...carrying bags full of all kinds of goodies, yarns, wools, magazines, fabrics, gadgets, chocolates... (chocolates? how did they sneak in??).... books and more books, just a bit more fabric sneaked in...totally exhausted and totally INSPIRED!!!
I had waited for 2 long years to go as I had bought tickets in 2009, sadly Cumbria flooded and we could go nowhere, last year the police were advising not to travel owing to 2 foot of snow can imagine my get see and explore and experience all the glories which I knew from previous expeditions awaited me...

if you haven't been...put it in your diary for next is a fantastic show...a hotbed of creativity...with hall after hall and stall after stall of tempting wares, makers and their beautiful artwork...and such a variety of goods for artists...the graduate showcase...challenging modern artwork... traditional techniques on show alongside contemporary work...the working studio area where you can see artists demonstrating will need to bring plenty of food and drink and wear cool clothes and comfy shoes!

I loved the wild knitting of the talented students in the graduate showcase..finalists in this year's UK Knitted Textile Awards

Sally Chown's exquisitely soft and sculptural work based around natural organic forms

Claire Nixon's amazing Big Knits, she was sitting patiently knitting yards and yards with such a fabulous tactile result...

Charlotte Waters had made incredible imaginative knits using recycled waste...stunning!

 Linda Sadler's fantastic knitted, de-constructed and felted pieces

Becky Dodman with her gorgeous Hundertwasser-inspired clothing, such glorious colours... and she was still knitting as I talked to her!

And it's not just the stalls and stands... there are so many creative women out there, wearing and carrying their creations....carrying bags and objects they have could spend hours just people watching, wandering round the stalls, listening to the conversations...see the groups of women and girls in the Royal Hall drinking tea and TALKING and's wonderful!

And it's all the stallholders too...makers with their inspiring artwork...sellers patiently cutting fabrics hour on hour, talking to customers, sharing their knowledge and expertise,all sharing theie passion for making and creating... it's almost emotional...all these women, with domestic lives left well and truly behind for a day (sorry... and some men!)indulging, showing and sharing their love and passion...for knitting and stitching...

Daughter mine had a great time too, tho' a bit bewildered at times by the sheer amount of's best to get a programme and plan your campaign in advance! Glad she'd old enough now to share properly in such a show. Husband was verry patient, drove us there and back and went round once...then headed to the Royal Hall with a newspaper....bless. Only one of about 40 men in among thousands of women, it's tiring...

Loved so many things...tempted to buy again and again...and I was delighted to meet in person several people whose work I have only seen on the internet...especially Jill Flower whose paper, print and stitched ruffs are was great to see her in the Working Studio...where she had challenged herself to create ruffled painted paper dresses which looked amazing...

and to meet Julia Jowett with her delicate tiny stitched textiles combined with wire forms and printed images of eagles...folk stories and heart and soul mingling...

I loved being able to see and talk to so many artists and makers and to experience the whole wonderful inspired it was hard to leave....I just wanted to go again the next day!! ah shucks...just have to wait till next year....

and finally a little Christmassy thought...

a felted leaf bag for a fab Christmassy Open Studio party thing with Ian, Steph and Phil with all our wares and mulled wine and lovely people in Phils' beautiful studio.... and snow outside...who could ask for more?

Tuesday 22 November 2011

' Making at The Studio ' workshops here we go!!

another whole real workshop with lovely makers keen to get stitching and creating...sooo very exiting! and just look what they made...each using similar fabrics and techniques but with such different results...

and if you don't finish one off here's a wee kit of fabric and beads etc to take for homework  and mind you finish it or I'll be round...

from this to this...lots of recycling and upcycling of lovely fabrics

can't wait to do another one and meet more new people and help them to get in touch with their creativity and surprise themselves with what they can it!!

oh and it's a rather special day today...I am so exited because it's MY BIRTHDAY!! and I am, ahem, more than 49 and less than 51 so amd feeling particularly FAB! Off to my lovely Yoga class this morning to keep supple and then for a delicious all over yummy treatment at my dear friend Rezwana's gorgeous place Visage

Total pampering - because I am so worth it! BIG plan for the year...I shall be challenging myself in all sorts of ways to make it not just the best day but the BEST YEAR of my LIfE...I'll keep you posted....already started by putting together a website...for Making at the Studio...ok just a freeby but but I feel really chuffed cos I did it all myself! 

Hope you have great day too....go out there and do something amazing that puts a smile on your face  !

Monday 14 November 2011

it seems like only yesterday ...

...that we were at school together and now we are all approaching 
A CERTAIN AGE...and loving it... looking at us all you'd never guess! What a fab weekend, spent in the delightful town of Oakham in the tiny beautiful county of Rutland...

not three little maids from school but five...all spread around the country now...from Cumbria, Yorkshire, Norfolk, Surrey and Rutland...all of us married with children..dare I say VERY GROWN UP YOUNG PEOPLE and TEENAGERS!... and leaving our spouses patiently holding the fort at home...and gallivanting off for some quality girly the most gorgeous B and B... thanks so much Rosemary and Graham for making us so welcome and cooking such delicious breakfasts..

So we shopped and talked and ate and talked and shopped some more and then ate and talked and laughed till we cried...Chris brought her diaries...there we were back in 6th form with who fancied mention of A levels or schoolwork tee hee...much hilarity!

the best shops??...well Julia's big green bag and Jan's 2 new jackets are testimony to the charity shops and Emma spent 3 hours in a gorgeous gallery called ITCH claiming it was 'market research'
for her job...  

and therefore she just had to buy a delightful ceramic cup by Katie Almond... 

which seems to have settled in her studio at home very well...and there were lots of really lovely attractive varied local shops selling beautiful things (and not a multiple in sight)...and full of must-buy art and craftyness...Christmas (sorry but it is November...and therefore there are only 2 or 3 shopping days left!) presents galore...

exhausted with shopping a delicious lunch in this delightful wee cafe was just the ticket...with quirky garden area with mirrors and old furniture and plants all mingled...lots of ideas to take home...

and on Sunday morning after another scrummy breakfast off into the glorious sunny morning for a wander around the very attractive Rutland Water all autumn tints and golden light...

and ahem Emma got to ride in Liz's SPORTS CAR!! with the top down! Lizzie looks so cool and she's a student too....way to go! think we all went home with sports car envy...


all that and a lovely train ride home to relax and read and snooze...and now there's always next year to look forward to...

and in the meantime...after a lie down to recover from the giddiness and making awaits as a Craft Fair and a Christmas 'Open Studio' party with Phil (maker of utterly gorgeous baskets) Stephanie and Ian approaches and my first proper Workshop In The Studio...teaching real people to get creative with textiles ....'Making in the Studio' is launching and it's sooo exiting!!...more anon! Hope you all have a lovely week....

Sunday 30 October 2011

halfterm and halloween happenings....

it's been quite a week, travelling here and there, seeing family and sharing meals and talking and laughing and catching up...
making memories to keep us warm in the long winter nights...

by the sea 
feet in the sand 
in October
spiky grass
rough waves
skein of geese
black green seaweed
sea washed smoothness of shells

apple harvest
warm kitchen
 apple press
slow drip of juice
delicious sweetness
bottles the taste of summer

the rose outside the kitchen window
Mum's favourite
blooms still
put my nose to soft petals
and breathe in
sweet scent

wake to heavenly
red skies in the morning
rain swiftly follows
torrential water downpouring
washing rivers in the lane

pumpkins grown
huge and round on
donkey muck
thanks donkeys!
friends fill the kitchen tonight
carving scary faces in pumpkin flesh
 cakes, friendship and fun

and tomorrow 
time is mine
studio beckons
making again
fabrics and threads
freedom and creation