
Sunday 18 December 2011

Christmas is coming...

tranquil after snow...

we light another candle in the darkness...

and no, we're NOT Christmas dinner...
we're the orchard grass cutters beloved by all...

just let go and go with the flow... I am lounging by the stove today watching old videos (yes videos!) ignoring everything and getting better from a cold... it's a freezing but bright and sunny day and we have new chickens to introduce...brought home last night in the dark...but of that more anon...a comfy chair, a welcome warm stove and some light knitting awaits me ...have a peaceful last advent Sunday...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics Emma :-) What a lovely image you have painted.
    Videos, warmth and knitting sound just perfect for you. Enjoy the festive season and recoup from all your wonderful autumnal activities and craft sharing :-))Love to you and yours xxxxx <3 xxxxx


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma