
Tuesday 22 November 2011

' Making at The Studio ' workshops here we go!!

another whole real workshop with lovely makers keen to get stitching and creating...sooo very exiting! and just look what they made...each using similar fabrics and techniques but with such different results...

and if you don't finish one off here's a wee kit of fabric and beads etc to take for homework  and mind you finish it or I'll be round...

from this to this...lots of recycling and upcycling of lovely fabrics

can't wait to do another one and meet more new people and help them to get in touch with their creativity and surprise themselves with what they can it!!

oh and it's a rather special day today...I am so exited because it's MY BIRTHDAY!! and I am, ahem, more than 49 and less than 51 so amd feeling particularly FAB! Off to my lovely Yoga class this morning to keep supple and then for a delicious all over yummy treatment at my dear friend Rezwana's gorgeous place Visage

Total pampering - because I am so worth it! BIG plan for the year...I shall be challenging myself in all sorts of ways to make it not just the best day but the BEST YEAR of my LIfE...I'll keep you posted....already started by putting together a website...for Making at the Studio...ok just a freeby but but I feel really chuffed cos I did it all myself! 

Hope you have great day too....go out there and do something amazing that puts a smile on your face  !


  1. Happy, happy, day you gorgeous lady :-)

    I just know those plans for the best year yet are going to become reality!

    All my love and hugs xxx

  2. Thanks me dear, had a fab day...lots of luxury and treats and now it's day 2 of the rest of my life! love and hugs to you too xx


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma