hello and welcome...

Hello and welcome to my blog, where I love to share a little of my life with you...I am so lucky to be a textile artist and maker...inspired by the beautiful countryside around me and by all sorts of things in my life....if you fancy a creative WORKSHOP take a look here or taking a peep at what's in my ETSY shop click here...thank you for paying me a visit today!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

let's celebrate

...the longest day, the lightest brightest day...summer solstice partying and cake eating, children laughing and playing together, running and playing outdoors as they soon as they are free from school, let us all celebrate friendships and the joy of living, the miracle of life, feel the lushness of gardens and parks, the green-ness of hills and roadsides flush with wild flowers, our gardens full and flowering, vegetables growing apace...ok a leetle more warmth from le soleil would be nice, but hey, this is Cumbria and rain and cloud are a welcome part of our life too! After all we had glorious sunshine yesterday....
Wishing you all a wonderful summer solstice....
As the sun spirals its longest dance,
Cleanse us
As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us
Let all things live with loving intent
And to fulfill their truest destiny

Wiccan blessing for Summer

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