
Monday 24 June 2013

a favour for a friend....

 cotton grass by Ian Hill

my friend Ian is a least we all think he is and he is almost convinced... so when he sent an email to say he had entered a competition run by Penguin Books, to be a Wayfarer this walk, write and follow in the footsteps of Robert Macfarlane...

...and that he had been longlisted and needed votes to get onto the short list...well there was no stopping us...facebook, tweets, emails, he's even been interviewed on Radio Cumbria...I have emailed madly and it's been a joy getting in touch with people you haven't seen for a while...I had a lovely email back from an old friend in Australia this morning with lots of news which is fantastic...

so now I am blogging about it because I think it is a wonderful thing to support a friend, and even someone you don't know, in a positive cause...walking is so fundamental and such restorative pleasure can be had from such a simple thing as a walk in beautiful countryside...and to give someone the chance to write about their walk and share that with the world and help them in an aspiration...well it doesn't get much better than that!

so here is Ian's video if you'd like to watch it and here is the vote if you would like

and you can visit Ian's wonderful blog The Printed Land 
thanks for reading...I'm back off to my pricing and labelling now...have a great week 



  1. Oh I did enjoy that little video Emma - such a nice thing to do in support of your friend! And of course the British countryside always has me in raptures.
    I'm off to vote for Ian!
    Enjoy your week!
    Joy x

  2. First of all, I absolutely LOVE that photo of the cotton grass! I've been and voted, anything to do with the British countryside and I'm there. x

  3. Hello
    Sure you friend really appreciated you doing that.
    Time to do some voting then.
    Gorgeous photo x

  4. Hi Emma, hope Ian is successful. I've voted. Not many days left before it starts. See you Saturday.
    S xx

  5. {{ welllll
    i am in love with UR banner
    all the other goodies here... }}


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma