
Saturday 8 December 2012

life is full of choices

and it isn't always easy to see which way to go....

been such a busy couple of weeks...craftyness all round...oh and daughter mine's birthday and then the C-word...apparently not far off now so I really must do something about it...

it's funny how each year is different, this time last year I was in a frenzy of handmade Christmas making with knitting and sewing and daughter making chutneys and husband creating willow is all much quieter this year...think I have been so full on with my now 'work' of making that my energy has gone into that and nothing else...still, all in a good's been an exiting and challenging year!

mm still not able to upload photos so I am deliberating some choices...

a) start a new's an opportunity to change what I want to (but might confuse my loyal readers and I would not wish to do all my business cards give this address!)
b) wait patiently and hope Blogger will sort it out
c) cease blogging and just 'do' facebook...but I would miss the space to post as much as I want...

mmm what do you think??

hope you are having a lovely time getting ready for whatever Christmas means to you...and NO STRESSING!! let go of the voice in your head and just enjoy the moment.... (note to self that is!)

celebrate the small things...

are you having fun? if not... get someplace quick where you are!


  1. They haven't put anything on the known issues have they! If you read the comments here this might help you, see at the bottom about resizing images.

    I paid for extra storage in March which was only a few pounds and I have had no problem. It's so strange that so many of you have been affected at the same time!
    Sarah x

  2. thanks so much for your helpful and knowledgeable comments Sarah,think there must be something energetic going on...2012 is a year of change all round! it's made me think about how and why I blog too! Emmax


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma