
Tuesday 2 October 2012

a taste of vintage...

take a village hall...fill with all kinds of tempting vintage and craft goodies with tea and scrummy homemade cakes served on delightful mismatched china...add enthusiasic stall holders with some wonderful clothes, books, china .and who could ask for more on a rainy Sunday in Arnside?

I left home early and drove down through the beautiful rainy Lake District... through Ambleside...past Kendal and on to the small seaside town of Arnside...a childhood haunt as we spent many holidays near here with my grandparents in their caravan at Silverdale...happy days with Granny's three sisters, the 'great' aunts living nearby...making us magnificent teas in a Famous Five fashion...

so here we are at the WI we go to the treasure trove of vintage wares...

beautiful shoes...



china and all kinds of knicknackery...

and then the!

  teacups and teapots awaiting customers...

bunting galore and a great atmosphere...

so hands up who remembers a phone like this??

be a modern domestic goddess...with one of these gorgeous handmade aprons by artist and designer Jan Huntley-Peace


or try a delightful upcycled felted bag or teacosy know who!

 and here's Graceleaanne and her fun stall...

I loved her book on how to do it right...must take notes!

and Tricia (perfect hat!!)and Sandra with more handmade goodies ...lovely baby jackets and bags..and dainty can see their Milla Rae etsy shop here...

I was soo tempted by these tiny cups...aren't they exquisite?

Juliet's lovely stall...tempted me to buy a book and a beautiful Otterburn Mill baby blanket...don't you love her spotty apron! I forgot to ask if she made it herself!

Karen and Margaret had such a beautifully laid-out stall, all 
carefully written brown labels and colour co-ordinated...

and me... well it was a quiet day so I got on with my knitting which felt the perfect thing to do at such a vintage event surrounded by nostalia for simpler times and for handmade...I may not have made my fortune today but I met some wonderful people and had very enjoyable day...


  1. looks like a great day, so many lovely things1

  2. Those cakes look amazing and it looked packed with some good things to buy. Sorry you had a quiet day. I think it must have been the same fair that Claire one of my other blogging friends was selling things. I wonder whether you met her too. Her blog is Thiftwood.
    Sarah x

  3. it was lovely day thanks, had a look at thriftwood what a lovely blog, right up my street, not sure she was at Arnside tho


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma