
Thursday 30 August 2012

C-art Open Studios...tomorrow!!

the artist's life is a merry I troll along, a workshop here, an exhibition there....but opening the studio and making space is the game this to get from this...

to this...

and now we're almost there and I have to say we are pretty CHUFFED and PLEASED WITH OURSELVES!! Our beautiful studio is now filled with contemporary art and craft and awaiting the audience...preview party tomorrow evening, then the sheer pleasure of sitting and making and talking to our don't get much better than this! 

BIG thanks to Donna and all at Eden arts for their organising behind the scenes, thanks to my husband of patience and daughter mine for all their help and support, and to my fellow artists  Ian and Stephanie for their support this year and for wanting to do it all again!!

hope you've enjoyed the virtual tour...if you're passing do call in, a warm welcome awaits you...have a great weekend...I'm going to!xx


  1. What a transformation it looks so lovely with such beautiful pieces. Hope you have lots of visitors, I wished you lived nearer and I could visit!
    Sarah x

  2. Hi Sarah, thanks so much I am really looing forward to it all, wish you were nearby too!maybe one day... x


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma