
Friday 25 May 2012

It's's summer..and I'm loving...

that I am now a freelance textile from 1st May I am self everything I do is towards my own 'Starship Enterprise'...I decided I don't like the word business...too much like 'men (or women) in husband of patience suggested the word 'enterprise' which I like very much as it's so broad in meaning and much more positive sounding... so here goes...

that it's Friday so down-shift husband is at home...actually he works to make sure he gets a weekend, and he has done the shopping since I broke my wrist (one of the many positive aspects of that my dears! must remember to tell him when it's better...)

that being self-employed may mean lots of work at strange hours and being responsible totally for my own income...but I can go and sit in the sun anyime I feel like it!!  and I can sit and work in the garden too if I hand sew...or plan...or read up on my next venture...

that breakfast was outside again in pjs' with NO fleece or hat or socks... such a pleasure as it is so warm, sunny and has that wonderful smell of summer...

that it was so lovely yesterday i just lay on the grass and shut my eyes and listened to the birds and felt the sun on my face...and the chickens pecking my feet...

that there's a lovely craft fair at Penrith this weekend as a treat...
Nostagia Meets Design at the Evergreen Rooms, Bluebell Lane Penrith...can't wait to go and see all the lovely makers including my favourite Priscilla Jones...

MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Pin Cushions and Egg Cosys  Sofa Cushion  Keyrings

that we are going to have a lovely family weekend when daughter mine gets home from school...hope she's not too hot and tired...

and now I'd better 'step away from the computer' and go and get on with my enterprise...get down to the studio full of lovely fabrics and textiles and get on with my machine embroidery and making... Woolfest won't wait! I love what I do and do what I love...

hope you all have a wonderful sunny relaxed weekend too...


  1. Good luck with your enterprise, how exciting!Lovely photos

  2. thanks found and your photos too x


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma