
Tuesday 17 April 2012

all in a day's sewing...

so happy to be back in my second home where no housework or domestic chores exist to distract from my making mission...

a reddish pinky felted jumper is carefully cut to shape and I decide on a floral decoration...a bold choice of a lighter pink and some orangey wool fabrics with reddish buttons...seems an odd combination but it works for me...

a little creative machine embroidery...

one of my favourite pincushions ...from Eliza Conway who always has a wonderful stall full of handmade gooodies at Woolfest

 sew on the designer label...!!

choose a lining...and some buttons...more playing with colours

 top stitching the layers together...always a very pleasing moment!

all the leftovers are too enticing and delicious so they go in a bag and one day I WILL have an embellishing machine to turn them into something BEAUTIFUL...nothing is wasted...

and the finished bag has a moment of exitement as it stars in a photo shoot... what do you think?

I am soo happy! and the best bit is I can do it all again tomorrow...hope you've had a lovely day too...


  1. I LOVE the bag! It's so sunny and bright.

    I'm feeling a little envious of your crafty days in the studio. I'm busy planning lessons... :(

    Happy making,

    KnittyNora xxx

  2. sorree...someone's got to do it! actually I'm planning too as I've got a workshop tomtorrow!
    hope you can get some making done too- how's it coming for Dean Craft Fair?

  3. Ooooo...I'm very excited about the Scarecrow fest. I'm planning on doing half craft and half baking. I've made some cute wrist cuffs and headbands which will hopefully go down well.

    Hope the workshop goes well tomorrow. I was tempted by the sewing machine one but haven't quite got to grips with the sewing machine I was given by my Mum-in-law yet. xx

  4. So lovely and so clever! Thanks for sharing!

  5. thanks for the kind comments Jo I am so lucky to be enjoying what I do and doing what I enjoy! x

  6. All so lovely here...I can see how passionate you are about your craft...Thanks for stopping by over at my place. x

  7. I loved your blog, Emma!!! The bags are so cute...
    I live in Rio de Janeiro - Brasil and I love craftworks...
    Parabéns pelos lindos trabalhos

  8. Hi Elisangela and welcome!how exiting to meet you via our blogs. glad you like my bags, like yours too!

    Obrigado por seus comentários gentis


do please leave me a comment...I love to read them and will reply as soon as I can. thanks for visiting! Emma