
Monday 20 February 2012

everything and everyday is an opportunity...

to make the best of any find the positive aspects even if it all seems too too grateful I am for friends and family and simple things...time for a small confession...I am typing this verrry slowly with my left hand as 4 weeks ago I fell over whilst putting the ducks to bed...having tiptoed so carefully through slippery mud...I avoided the mud on our path to the veggie patch...tripped, flew, landed and thought *%$£+@?!! I  am now recovering very well indeed ....from a sadly broken sorry my beautiful wrist...and I knew a huge change had taken place in my life...

and out of adversity...has come the most wonderful and amazing and lovely things...

starring husband of even greater patience and daughter mine who have supported and loved me through it all...

friends who have brought such love... and soup and flowers and lovely get well cards

the sheer pleasure of being able to take a bath (after that first week in the same clothes...)
taking delight in being able to make myself a cup of tea...
resting and meditating and thinking and ...or doing nothing but look at the trees out of the window
being able to get myself dressed...or do anything at all...albeit slowly
daytime TV viewing,,,so naughty but very nice
knowing that all is healing well and that this is only temporary
the Woolfest letter saying I have a stall that arrived just at the right time to inspire that after much thought...I have given up the 3 day a week day job even tho' I loved it suddenly it wasn't the thing to be doing... time to be take the be self employed as an artist, maker and workshop share and do what I love to do...

taking inspiration from Beth Nicholls do what you love for life...

I believe the world would be a better place if more people were doing what they loved
Because life is more interesting when we open our hearts and minds.
Because we are happier when we discover our passion.
Because magic happens when we follow our dreams.

and inspired by flossie teacakes' wonderful blog...leap and the net will appear

Hope is an orientation of the spirit, an orientation of the heart.
Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well,
but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out. Vaclav Havel

can't do any making...but I can manage a little one-handed playing in my studio...enjoying fabrics and books...and taking photos with real ingenuity!

so I have been focussing on things which give me pleasure and make me smile...and that includes the lovely inspiration of all the crafty blogs out there...believe me when you are suddenly in a small (and cosy) world of home with no way to go out into the world... it is truly a joy that the world can come to me... in colour and loveliness! and that I can keep in communication with the world and especially friends near and far


practising being rather than doing 

always hopeful that 'only good lies before me' ...(Louise Hay - You Can Live an Exceptional Life)

homemade cake by wonderful daughter...and guess I won't be making the pancakes this year..

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