
Sunday 23 October 2011

hip hooray for holidays...

.....even tho I'm at work later in the week it feels like holidays cos daughter and husband are off from school... and we are leaving the homestead and livestock in the capable hands of Great Friends and Next-Door Neighbours (we've just looked after their chickens while they were's a great arrangement, we do their chickens and they get to do ducks, donkeys, geese, cats and chickens...fair swop?!)...for a whole 2 nights and heading to the northeast to see my Pa and Big Sis...and a birdwatching trip to Druridge Bay is of course on the cards...for TODAY! so better stop blogging and get the teenager out of bed and get packed that footsteps I hear above my head.??

Druridge Bay is on the beautiful Northumberland coast... here's a few pics from last time (summer? you can tell from the big coats and welllies...)


mustn't forget to take my knitting and crocheting for the journey... thinking ahead to C....mas....sorry it had to be I will take some gorgeous inspiration with me.... homemade art and craftyness is the way to go ...handmade knitting and crochet goodness for presents all round?? maybe for NEXT usual I have a strange feeling that hope will outrun performance...but I can give it a go....optomism and hope is everything....

....and when we return we have the exitement of Small (but getting Bigger) Swiss Cousins and Best Swiss Auntie (sadly Uncle C is at work)  and Greatest Grandparents coming up to stay more fun!! Hope you have a great Octobery halfterm too...wherever you are and whatever you do....

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