
Wednesday 3 August 2011

craftyness and exitements galore.....

so much to say and so much to do and so seemingly little time.... just remember this is all an illusion...but in the meantime there's craftyness required for The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap signed up for in a moment of joyful connnectedness then realisation that I have now got to make it! Piles of washing moving from dirty crumpledness to clean, crisp and folded...but still in piles, house full of stuff (and fluff of gargantuan quantities) though studio floor now beautifully varnished thanking my fabbydo husband...still in shorts but with sore knees... trying to pack for the approaching on a galloping horse holiday...and the minor matter of a bit of job switching going on inspired by the wonderful Beth Nicholls and Do What You Love for Life...ok an interview 18 hours before we set off ain't the best of timing...and I haven't even told you of the wonderful family party for Niece 1 and Niece 2 celebrating being 21 and 18 respectively, nor of the meeting-up-and-sharing-some-laughs-with-old-friends much to the bemusement of our daughters...nor of the 2 delightful wee ducklings who have joined the family , clever duck either Flora or Mary but we're not sure which... being a wonderful mummy....

it started with a feasting and merrymaking to celebrate two beautiful girls being soo grown up...and lots of puddings made by my amazing sister and soux chef/chief washer up and general all round good egg...aka husband), it's always a pudding fest when we get together, chiefly in honour of my mum who loved nothing better than the pudding trolley and a taste of everything when out for a meal...

then the 3 headed to guide camp...hey ho, for summer days under canvas, fires to light and gadgets to make, songs to sing, and lots of fun with your friends... and before you know it home again and off to the local agricultural show to win prizes, despite Basil trying to get in on the act...

embroidered buttons are always lovely to make

and yes dear reader I not only finished my wee bag but thanks indeed to that fine publication Mollie Makes I actually made a delicious wee flowery corsage to be decorating the front...

don't be put off,  it was easy peasey once you read the instructions and got the idea of how the flower was made...tho' I had to make it in total fierce concentratedness and no interruptions or else....and then a quick designering and stitching away to create a BLOOM postcard for The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap... really enjoyed making something which will go all the way across the seas to America! Can't wait to see what comes my way in return..

all packed and ready to fly across the Atlantic...

and still I live in hope of accomplishing enough so that when I sink into my car seat on Friday mrning at the crack of gnats (ie early ha ha!) I can relax and leave everything behind as we head for the journey of beauty up through scotland to the far north-east, via roads and ferries, to the sea washed isle of lewis...and i am thinking ooh, long journey, just how much yarn can i stash away with my trusty hook to while away said travelling hours with craftyness... after visiting a certain famous local wool shop I stumbled across some delicious yarn and am anticipating some delicious making and creating....

I am feeling all sea ish ness already...can you see it and feel it in the colours and textures even before taking crochet hook or knitting needles in hand....and am soo inspired by the delightful and talented julia crossland's sea pennies....and then there's all the makers and galleries and beautiful views to explore as we pass through wild parts of the isles of harris and lewis...think I feel a long lie-down coming on to prepare myself.....
see you all in a week or so, have a lovely summmerytime

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