
Tuesday 31 May 2011


how beautiful it is to do nothing...and then rest afterwards....

after a somewhat challenging fortnight... time for a leetle sofa therapy.... if a)I can find it under the teetering piles and b)get there before daughter esconces herself....and catch up with a week's viewing of the delights and floriferaliness of the Chelsea Flower Show - must put going there on my Wishful Thinkingness List (along with Slevedge Fair) inspiring and beautiful...fell in love with 'A Postcard from Wales' by Kati Crome and Maggi is a considerable relief to see that 'wild' gardening continues to be popular, as I look around our garden...which thrives on me doing nothing to it... with plants sorting themselves out and growing where they please and always room to squeeeeze just one more in....I like to think that our garden echoes the principles of William Robinson (see the RBC 'New Wild Garden by Nigel Dunnett) ...showing an 'ecological awareness with an artistic use of materials..... and a theme of sustainability' maybe not weeding or worrying is the way forward.... along with not hoovering in the house??

so here's a wee garden update... bit of a blue theme...till the pinks take over

the gorgeous blue of geraniums

the delicious creamy white lacy blossom of guelder rose

blueberries in waiting...

fabulous blue cornflowers

green and hairy poppy buds

tiny white flowered geranium, seeding itself everywhere

chives, grown for their flowers

fabulous alliums

spring brings aquilegias, as regular as clockwork

royal blues of more aquilegias...or Granny's bonnets

a group of elegant allium globes, rather tall... 

and....strange flower here...ok so the orchard gate isn't hen proof...

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