
Tuesday 10 May 2011


for the Royal Wedding Tea...Ok not at Buckingham Palace but A Royal Wedding celebration tea at a friend's house.... with Royal Pink Blancmange and all the trimmings and lots of playing in the garden whilst Mothers of Offspring watched it all again....the marvels of digital recording .... we had a lovely day of Royal Weddingness.... PJ's on the sofa and full colour televisual watching and radio 4 listening around the house.... just waiting to see Her Royal Kateness and THAT DRESS (tho' husband resolutely went out to do important and essential things outdoors having no truck with such Royal flummery) with early afternoon teapartying in a Village's like buses, you don't have a Royal Wedding Teaparty for years then three come along at once....

....home made by daughter with right Royal Icingness and handmade Rosy Decorationing...

aren't they gorgeous...almost too pretty to eat...

I was brought up on homemade everything....shopbought cakes were a luxury (and a treat!).... my Mum knitted and sewed for 4 children and helped my father run a business or two...  I don't know how she did it all....and my Granny sewed and made and baked it is always a pleasure to make and bake myself (using Grannys' old scales and cake tins) and even better when daughter does it too....she has "cooked" since she sat in a high chair with a bowl of flour and a spoon at the end of the table where I made bread or cakes or prepared tea...when she was really small she sat in her little baby chair ON the table... it's a bit different now she is 13 and taller than me and much better and more imaginative at the cooking lark...somehow making food everyday (takes the edge of imaginitve cooking...especially when one would rather be sewing...or gardening ... or lying down ....or anything but making tea....please will someone tell me what IS for tea??...

buns...or do I mean 'cupcakes' awaiting the full on icing and decorating treatment then ...some eating....and then there is the case of the amazing strawbwerry pavlova in all it's mouthwatering meringue magnificence, recently witnessed at the homecoming of the 'birdwatching race' team (daughter plus 2 friends) who spotted a magnificent 45 birds within a 1 mile radius of home and spent all day from 5.30 am tracking down the various feathered species whilst travelling 12 miles on foot and by velocipede and raising a good sum for RSPB...very deserving of such delicacies....we will return to you 'hills of the north'.... 

ooh we do like friends and eating and sharing...

must just mention the joys of new red shoes for the spring - make me feel like skipping around...

....maybe I'll get to wear'em with the dress...yes, I win the bet cos I wore it! Not quite as Gokked but still brave!

Got to go now...time to make tea....

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