
Tuesday 8 February 2011

tulips... springtime is coming soon to a winter near you!

Don't get us wrong, we like winter - a time to snuggle up in front of an Aga with a cat on your knee, or by a big woodburner glowing in the downstairs sitting room (known as 'The Bothy'  for its bottle of whisky, comfy battered old chairs and a husband taking up residence in it for the winter!)  - with the wind howling outside. But we do love to see the hints of green spikes coming up in the garden and hedgerows - snowdrops are now making an appearance so valiant yet so delicate.

It would be nice to have a warm studio after months of frozen fingers too....

1 comment:

  1. Hi *Waves*
    Welcome to blogland :-) looking forward to following you


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